
Unpopular opinion: Hard work to achieve basic necessities of life should not be celebrated when the obvious thing is the failure of the system that fails to provide the person with basic necessities

There is this video that is going viral throughout India and abroad of a 19 year old boy, who is juggling 2 jobs, sustaining the family with his brother, paying the bills of his ailing mother, with a dream to join the army someday. He runs 10 kilometers to work everyday because he does not have time to train to get into the army. Boy runs daily 10 kms to work wanting to join the army someday Clearly the starting line is not the same for this kid. And there are many kids like him who are trying to make ends meet, dreaming of becoming someone. And instead of addressing the failure of the system that fails to give this kid a fair shot, everybody seems to celebrate his passion and hard work. Which I agree he deserves, but he also deserves the support of the state to provide him…

There is this video that is going viral throughout India and abroad of a 19 year old boy, who is juggling 2 jobs, sustaining the family with his brother, paying the bills of his ailing mother, with a dream to join the army someday. He runs 10 kilometers to work everyday because he does not have time to train to get into the army. Boy runs daily 10 kms to work wanting to join the army someday

Clearly the starting line is not the same for this kid. And there are many kids like him who are trying to make ends meet, dreaming of becoming someone. And instead of addressing the failure of the system that fails to give this kid a fair shot, everybody seems to celebrate his passion and hard work. Which I agree he deserves, but he also deserves the support of the state to provide him with a level playing field. One shouldn't turn a blind eye to the not-so-apparent encouragement of the toxicity of hard work that such acts display, when what he clearly deserves is the basic necessities like free healthcare and minimum financial support that the system has failed to give him.

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