
Unpopular opinion: Using the term “(wage) slavery” referring to your office job is as wrong as using the term “white genocide”.

Everytime I read the term “slavery” for people sitting on a desk, working 40hrs a week in exchange for $50k, I roll my eyes almost as hard as when right-wingers refer to the low birth rate of white people as “white genocide”. No, working a office job is not slavery and demographic change is not genocide. I am sorry, you aren't as oppressed as black slaves in the 18th century just as white people aren't as oppressed as Jews during the Holocaust.

Everytime I read the term “slavery” for people sitting on a desk, working 40hrs a week in exchange for $50k, I roll my eyes almost as hard as when right-wingers refer to the low birth rate of white people as “white genocide”.

No, working a office job is not slavery and demographic change is not genocide. I am sorry, you aren't as oppressed as black slaves in the 18th century just as white people aren't as oppressed as Jews during the Holocaust.

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