
Upcoming 3-day weekend (federal holiday)

My coworkers were literally complaining about having Juneteenth off. Saying it’s stupid that we get another three-day weekend (because we had one a couple weeks ago for Memorial Day), and they feel weird about taking the day off. ??? What is wrong with people? Are we that brainwashed and controlled by capitalism and praising overwork that we don’t think we deserve a three-day weekend? 🤨

My coworkers were literally complaining about having Juneteenth off. Saying it’s stupid that we get another three-day weekend (because we had one a couple weeks ago for Memorial Day), and they feel weird about taking the day off.

??? What is wrong with people? Are we that brainwashed and controlled by capitalism and praising overwork that we don’t think we deserve a three-day weekend? 🤨

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