
Update: Am I dramatic or just inexperienced?

So….the problem kinda fixed itself, like I said, my blood pressure went up and I had to go home early on my last shift and that was that. Today I was supposed to work from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, so I got up, got ready and walked all the way to my workplace just to find it open but the owner's wife told me I wasn't supposed to work. I told her that her husband had scheduled me for that shift so she called him over, apparently he just assumed out of nowhere that I didn't work for him anymore and had already hired another girl to take my place, but then explained that he's thinking of closing his restaurant. He told me that he's spending a lot and isn't getting any profit from it, so he's debating whether to stay open or not and blah blah blah, he also told…

So….the problem kinda fixed itself, like I said, my blood pressure went up and I had to go home early on my last shift and that was that. Today I was supposed to work from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, so I got up, got ready and walked all the way to my workplace just to find it open but the owner's wife told me I wasn't supposed to work. I told her that her husband had scheduled me for that shift so she called him over, apparently he just assumed out of nowhere that I didn't work for him anymore and had already hired another girl to take my place, but then explained that he's thinking of closing his restaurant. He told me that he's spending a lot and isn't getting any profit from it, so he's debating whether to stay open or not and blah blah blah, he also told me that if he decided to stay open he's going to change everything and convert the restaurant into a Bar so he won't need to worry so much (people don't care about fancy drinks here, they just prefer plain cold beer and some snacks) and said that he wanted to keep me as his employee, since it's so hard to find responsible people around my age. He said that most people who worked for him just wanted to get some easy money to go clubbing and would just skip work without any warning and some would straight up try to steal from him and I'm not like that at all, since I don't like to go out, don't drink and don't smoke. I remained polite but internally I was cussing him out, HE HAS MY CEL NUMBER, he could've texted me to ask if I still wanted to work instead of just assuming I would come back, why did he even think that?? But no, he didn't care enough to text me about any of it and I was MAD for having to wake up early, on my period, with bad cramps and WALKED all the way there just to be told “oh, we hired someone bc you felt sick”. Anyways, I'm not interested in working for them anymore even if they stay open, I talked to some older friends and they think I have anxiety and them arguing, screaming at eachother in from of me and taking their frustration out on me probably triggered a panic attack or something like that, which makes sense but I'll have to go get a professional to evaluate me.

TLDR; they hired someone else to replace me and didn't even bother to text me about it, I might have anxiety and won't ever work for them again even if they offer to pay me more.

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