
UPDATE: company I don’t even work for required screenshots to prove “honesty”

Original post: After having another interview scheduled and confirmed over the phone and through text Kimm missed that one too! She had given me the number for her direct line so I left a voicemail at 4:31pm after not receiving a call at 4:30. I also sent her a text message asking if we needed to reschedule. I received no response until 7:13pm. During that 3 hour window I did a couple things. I talked with my long time friend J who was the original one who told me they were hiring and to apply. He said to call the main office to speak to her boss R. I did that. Around 5:30 I called the office, speak with a nice lady who took notes of the situation and passed them along to R. I got a call back from this lady around 6 saying Kimm should be contacting…

Original post:

After having another interview scheduled and confirmed over the phone and through text Kimm missed that one too!

She had given me the number for her direct line so I left a voicemail at 4:31pm after not receiving a call at 4:30. I also sent her a text message asking if we needed to reschedule. I received no response until 7:13pm.

During that 3 hour window I did a couple things. I talked with my long time friend J who was the original one who told me they were hiring and to apply. He said to call the main office to speak to her boss R. I did that. Around 5:30 I called the office, speak with a nice lady who took notes of the situation and passed them along to R. I got a call back from this lady around 6 saying Kimm should be contacting me soon.

So at 7:13pm Kimm finally calls and applogizes and gives some excuse about an emergency with a customer and she left her phone in the car. After a short interview she goes on about the company and their values and spends quite a long time talking about admiting mistakes and accepting people aren't perfect and giving them room to fix their mistakes and all that. She ends this spiel by saying:

“So next time, I would really appreciate it if you give me a few hours to respond instead of going to my boss and telling him I flaked out on you” and then chuckles like it's a joke and moves on.

I was too stunned she actually just said that to say anything back and she very quickly moved on to some more questions. I couldn't believe she just tried to gaslight me into feeling bad about standing up for my time and worth.

At the end of this “interview” she said this:
“So here's the thing, the electrician for the team were hiring for just up and quit yesterday. So until a new electrician is hired, we can't hire anyone right now. But I want to put a note on here that says you did great and once we get an electrician we will reach out to you for hiring paperwork. Does that sound alright?”

Me: “oh that's interesting, when did that change?”

K: “just yesterday, I was informed by my boss R that was the case. Because we don't even know if we can keep that team at all now”

Me: “oh R said that? Because R just told my friend J yesterday they needed people now and based on J's description of me, I would be hired to their team immediately”

K: “oh…uhm..well…blah blah” she stumbles some more ohs and wells and says he misspoke to J because he told her something different and J is just an installer and doesn't know hiring stuff.

She then says it could be a day or a week before they hire an electrician. It's a hard position to fill as it's a journeyman position with a lot of experience and skill needed. I just say okay, and that's the end of it.

After the call is over I immediately call J and update him on things. He says everyone hates Kimm. She's awful and makes a bunch of mistakes that cause the installers problems and the other day the install crew spent the entire shift talking shit about her. He recommended I send an email to R explaining everything. He said R likes people who don't care how others perceive them and just say it like it is.

It'll probably mean I won't get the job anymore but R needs to know the truth of the situation and not whatever excuse Kimm gave him. I've got to protect my professional reputation at the least. So I guess I'm still jobless now but oh well. At least one asshole might be taken down too.

All that to say,
Fuck you Kimm with two “M”s. I hope you get fired.

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