
UPDATE: I’m quitting my job and moving to South America.

Back in January, I posted about wanting to quit my job and leave the country. Well, I’m back with an update! For about 2 weeks after I came back from vacation, I kinda had a pretty major existential crisis over the whole situation. Everyone I know thought I was crazy for wanting this, and I even lost my best friend of 13 years over it. But I knew in my heart of hearts that it would all work out if I just took a leap of faith. And guess what? I’m leaving my job the second week of May and heading to Bogota. I landed a fully remote, part-time position in my field that pays well, has a flexible schedule, and allows me lots of room for creative freedom and growth. I’ve been working the second job on my new 3 hour lunch breaks (and still getting paid for my…

Back in January, I posted about wanting to quit my job and leave the country.

Well, I’m back with an update!

For about 2 weeks after I came back from vacation, I kinda had a pretty major existential crisis over the whole situation. Everyone I know thought I was crazy for wanting this, and I even lost my best friend of 13 years over it. But I knew in my heart of hearts that it would all work out if I just took a leap of faith.

And guess what? I’m leaving my job the second week of May and heading to Bogota.

I landed a fully remote, part-time position in my field that pays well, has a flexible schedule, and allows me lots of room for creative freedom and growth. I’ve been working the second job on my new 3 hour lunch breaks (and still getting paid for my FT position because salary). Somehow, even though I’m basically working both of these jobs part time, I’m excelling in both, and we’re going to have our best month ever in the studio even though I’ve put in waaaaay less than half the work. Lol go figure.

While I won’t be moving permanently just yet, I’m going to travel the world for a while. I got a roommate so I can keep my place (which only increased rent by $100, which is pretty rare right now where I live), so I have a home base while I travel.

I’m leaving my main job at the perfect time. I have a feeling the business I work for is going to implode because the owner won’t pay more and we can’t attract enough employees to service the amount of clients we already have, let alone the 2-4 new clients they want me to sign up every day. I’ve already had two people leave for better paying opportunities, and I can’t get anyone to show up for an interview ($20 an hour for what amounts to physical labor just isn’t cutting it in this area). Once I leave, no one will be able to sell like I do (still the best in the district with even my minimal effort) so I don’t think they’ll survive long without me, but that’s just not my problem is it? I’ve tried countless times to get my employees more money but my boss won’t budge. Oh well.

TLDNR: This is it guys! I did it! I found a remote job that doesn’t even feel like work, pays well, and will allow me to live the dream! I’m leaving my main job in May and heading to Colombia.

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