
Update on getting fired from costco.

My last post where I mentioned that I got fired for no reason got a bunch of fat downvotes, which is alright with me, but I got an update with reviews and employer’s from nearby Costco’s. No Costco is the same, the manager’s can vary from great to shitty, so when I heard about the actual reason of my termination, I was upset but not surprised. Apparently, my Costco only sells $600k of product everyday, which is bad. With this, they hire employee’s who they don’t want to make past probation (90 day’s where they can fire you for no reason). They let people go before their 90 days because their sales are so bad, so they can’t do payroll’s and don’t have enough money to pay their employee’s. Basically, they will hire 15 new employee’s and fire them right before their 90 day probation so that they don’t have…

My last post where I mentioned that I got fired for no reason got a bunch of fat downvotes, which is alright with me, but I got an update with reviews and employer’s from nearby Costco’s.

No Costco is the same, the manager’s can vary from great to shitty, so when I heard about the actual reason of my termination, I was upset but not surprised.

Apparently, my Costco only sells $600k of product everyday, which is bad. With this, they hire employee’s who they don’t want to make past probation (90 day’s where they can fire you for no reason). They let people go before their 90 days because their sales are so bad, so they can’t do payroll’s and don’t have enough money to pay their employee’s. Basically, they will hire 15 new employee’s and fire them right before their 90 day probation so that they don’t have to pay them more for raises and fucking insurance. The Costco in the city next to me makes $1.5M daily in products and has double as many employee’s as my Costco did.

This isn’t an issue with Costco as a whole, it’s an issue with managers that don’t know how to run a store. Just wish that people would get some more training instead of getting a new badge slapped on them that says ‘manager’ with little to no training.

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