
Update on the guy who was overly enthousiastic at his new job in retail

A month ago I made a sarcastic past about seeing a 30+ y old guy obviously on his first day at work in a shop, being overly polite and fake friendly in a 5 star resort butler kind of way, all for a chain store that replaces people like they are toilet paper rolls, probably with a week contract. I have nothing against friendly people, but I just knew he would be let go in mere days or weeks. No one wants an enthousiastic person who tries hard and no one should in fact try hard for a shitty job in my opinion. So I passed the store today and he was already replaced by a 65 year old man. Sorry happy person, told you this is what happens to people who try to be happy at work. Happened to a guy at the post office too. Gone in weeks.

A month ago I made a sarcastic past about seeing a 30+ y old guy obviously on his first day at work in a shop, being overly polite and fake friendly in a 5 star resort butler kind of way, all for a chain store that replaces people like they are toilet paper rolls, probably with a week contract. I have nothing against friendly people, but I just knew he would be let go in mere days or weeks. No one wants an enthousiastic person who tries hard and no one should in fact try hard for a shitty job in my opinion.

So I passed the store today and he was already replaced by a 65 year old man. Sorry happy person, told you this is what happens to people who try to be happy at work. Happened to a guy at the post office too. Gone in weeks.

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