
Update To Previous Post : My 2 Weeks Are In

So I'm going to make this a lengthy post just for personal satisfaction and detail for you guys to eat up. For those of you who like summaries, here's one : I got my breaks taken away, emotionally broken down over not doing someone else's job, told my vacation time (2 weeks over 1 year, one this time last year and one about a week ago) was too upfront and too frequent, got told I was a lazy worker, I made a list of legal issues they were committing and turned it in, called a meeting, got bagged on for being a horrible worker and that all legal issues were invalid, and then I put in my two weeks the day after. When I started working here I was told by my manager (let's call her Carlene) to bring the on-call phone home when going on breaks so that if…

So I'm going to make this a lengthy post just for personal satisfaction and detail for you guys to eat up. For those of you who like summaries, here's one : I got my breaks taken away, emotionally broken down over not doing someone else's job, told my vacation time (2 weeks over 1 year, one this time last year and one about a week ago) was too upfront and too frequent, got told I was a lazy worker, I made a list of legal issues they were committing and turned it in, called a meeting, got bagged on for being a horrible worker and that all legal issues were invalid, and then I put in my two weeks the day after.

When I started working here I was told by my manager (let's call her Carlene) to bring the on-call phone home when going on breaks so that if there was any reservation check ins, and whatnot, that I'd be able to come back and deal with them whether I decide to clock back in or not. I had no complaints.

Next, the CEO (Jim Cavasso) walks into the coffee shop (Where the reservation desk is located) and notices fries on the ground. He puts it on me, the receptionist, for not cleaning up the barista's job (who had enough time to clean up said fries) despite never being asked to. He proceeds to call me lazy and spiteful and unreasonable. I clean up the mess and sit back down and am very on edge for the rest of the day.

About 2 days later, there's a note in our “communication notebook” that states we're intended to help where needed. Basically implying, I had changed my entire job description to doing other people's jobs. Keep in mind, I have made pizzas, mopped, swept, pressed burgers, washed syrup bottles, come back mid breaks to help out or check someone in, made store runs, taken out trashes, broken down boxes and thrown them away, done well over 200 hours total worth of dishes, and several more items all for other employees for as low as a $5 tip and as high as a $25 tip. I got paid for 2 out of 4 events that I helped do dishes for, while other coworkers got upwards of $30 per event. Once I mentioned I wasn't getting paid, they stopped asking me for help which personally seems really sketchy.

So that was hurtful in general. To have not been seen doing all these tasks for other coworkers that aren't even in my department and get thrown to the floor and beat esteem-wise over fries is somewhat outrageous to me. But whatever, Jim isn't the most of considerate people.

And then I see this note,

Note :

So basically, what went from 2 weeks notice of shift changes or scheduling, to no changes, no insured coverage, no benefits as far as vacation, no call ins, days traded for some reason must be approved despite the same work being done, and you have to work your entire 8 hour shift with uninsured breaks and little to no consistency in scheduling.

I was thoroughly frustrated by this. So I called my manager and asked who wrote it. She stated that she did, because we were being unreasonable and clocking in early, asking for vacation every month, calling in when we didn't want to work, making too many schedule changes causing overtime (oh no big parent company loses a little money), and she was being threatened to be fired because of it.

So I decided to take a stand. First, I posted my first post here, to get information and suggestions from you guys. Then, I made a list of all legalities they're falling short of, edited by my father, who thought I was being too harsh.

List of Legalities :

I called a meeting over the note in order to clarify some of the issues I found with the company and how we're being treated.

Word, guided by me, had gotten out that all this was happening. I was told by ex-employees that I was doing the right thing and that things were getting out of hand.

Finally, the day before I had my vacation (about 2 weeks ago for 1 week), my father suggested I turn in the meeting agenda in order to seem “less of a threat”. So I did, along with a note that stated, “I'd like to discuss these topics at the meeting of -date-“.

I had vacation with immense angst. Completely ruined it.

The day after I got back, the meeting occurred. Jim asked the majority of the room to leave, and it was just my coworker, that had been there since I started, and I left. Since stress inhibits my memory, I'm going to simply just copy over what he stated from a text I sent to a friend that day:

He said I was lazy, infectious, he felt my assessments of the situation were un-meditated, he threatened my position by saying “I have a schedule without you or -coworker- on it”, he made people leave the room to tell me how awful we were, asked me to go to court with him If I thought about doing what I did again.

So overall, he threatened me, told me he never enforced the “on-call breaks” policy, told me it was none of my business who or why the note was written in the first place, told me call in-policy was that we needed a doctor's note without addressing that the note says “calling in will NOT be tolerated”, and overall just sideswiped my coworker and I entirely.

So the next day I dropped a note that said, “Consider this my 2 weeks notice. I will be terminating employment on 08/12/2022. -name-“

So there's the whole story. Legally speaking there's no evidence the “on-call breaks” policy existed past my coworker's and I's testimony. I put in 1,497 hours into this place according to a total of my paychecks, and this is what my first job lead to. Big moral for me, your manager is not your friend, they'll do anything to save their own butt before they ever think about saving yours (apparently my manager asked Jim to fire us during that meeting), and you're not a human to your employers. You're an impressable, sensitive, and incompetent resource.

Name of corporation : Cavasso Corporation

Parent Company : Modoc Steel

Name of Owner : Jim Cavasso

Start date : June 21st 2021

End date : August 12th 2022

Hope you enjoyed this rant.

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