
Update: Would you quit if the company did this to you? Company fired me after I applied for a promotion and they hired someone else. HR is not your friend.

In the span of two days I went from getting a promotion to fired. I work as a recruiter in HR at a big resort. They told me when I got the job that HR is super supportive of career moves and will help you get where you want to go. They also said you get the inside scoop for jobs. I communicated that I was qualified, had the job experience and software experience, have a degree and would like the opportunity to do what I have experience with. I applied for the job went through two rounds of interviews and then they hired an external applicant. I route the applications as a recruiter and the person they hired has not worked at the resort, has not used the software before, and has never worked in the industry. I never got a real reason besides “fit”. My bosses and HR…

In the span of two days I went from getting a promotion to fired.
I work as a recruiter in HR at a big resort. They told me when I got the job that HR is super supportive of career moves and will help you get where you want to go. They also said you get the inside scoop for jobs. I communicated that I was qualified, had the job experience and software experience, have a degree and would like the opportunity to do what I have experience with.

I applied for the job went through two rounds of interviews and then they hired an external applicant. I route the applications as a recruiter and the person they hired has not worked at the resort, has not used the software before, and has never worked in the industry.

I never got a real reason besides “fit”.
My bosses and HR did not help me get the job.
Then they fired me because they said I was visibly upset at the front desk. Because they don’t pay me enough to afford an apartment here, which I communicated. They gave me 100 bucks because I said I had been skipping meals for this job for the past 6 months.

After working in HR, it’s a bunch of under qualified people who don’t even have business degrees throwing away hundreds of thousands in their budget every year in “swag” and clothing that gets boxed up for years. Millions of dollars sitting in boxes because they have our logo on them so they can’t be sold because they’re uniforms. And they don’t pay a living wage.

I’ve never felt so betrayed for over 6 months of work and not a single day off. I was the lowest paid employee at the resort.

HR is not your friend.

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