
US bill attempting to remove privacy will prob be an issue for us

Okay, so I've actually been reading up on this and I think it's gonna cause a bunch of issues. Nothing we do on the internet will be private, emails, posts, pictures on the cloud, etc. I know this might not seem super relevant for the community but how long until it's privatized and then the company you work for can buy in, etc. It's a another step down a really shitty path. The main threat of the EARN IT Act is that it allows states to pass a wide range of regulations as long as they somehow link the regulation to online child abuse. This article ( shows that the bill is basically useless and that its primary goal is to remove privacy and increase internet surveillance. The EARN IT Act, if passed, will also allow states to punish companies that allow end-to-end encryption and require companies to scan all…

Okay, so I've actually been reading up on this and I think it's gonna cause a bunch of issues. Nothing we do on the internet will be private, emails, posts, pictures on the cloud, etc. I know this might not seem super relevant for the community but how long until it's privatized and then the company you work for can buy in, etc. It's a another step down a really shitty path.

The main threat of the EARN IT Act is that it allows states to pass a wide range of regulations as long as they somehow link the regulation to online child abuse. This article ( shows that the bill is basically useless and that its primary goal is to remove privacy and increase internet surveillance.

The EARN IT Act, if passed, will also allow states to punish companies that allow end-to-end encryption and require companies to scan all content, all private messages, anything you store in the cloud. The Act risks eliminating end-to-end encrypted communication as companies looking to avoid their liability will simply turn it off for everyone, including for users outside the US whose content is hosted on US servers by those companies.

You could sign online petitions :

The EFF Petition:

The Mozilla Foundation petition:

No Earn it Act petition:

If you are in the US you can contact representatives in the “official” way:

You can contact your senator using this link :

You can contact a representative using this link:

The actual bill can be found here:

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