
(USA) Applying for a job is a fucking joke in this country

A month ago I submitted a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to an employer. About a week or 2 later they send over a work assignment with no deadline, but who knows maybe they want it done quickly. Send it over EOD that day, no response. I follow up, they said they got it and its gonna take a week or 2. Wait, wait. Then an email about scheduling an interview, then they said it had to be either Wed afternoon or Friday afternoon of the following week. Communicate back that I'm booked (language lesson and doc appointment, respectively) on those days, they say they'll get back. No response. Wait, wait. Ask if they can get something back by the end of the week, re: scheduling. No response. Then tonight they send a generic one liner saying “Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I'm sorry, but…

A month ago I submitted a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to an employer. About a week or 2 later they send over a work assignment with no deadline, but who knows maybe they want it done quickly. Send it over EOD that day, no response. I follow up, they said they got it and its gonna take a week or 2. Wait, wait. Then an email about scheduling an interview, then they said it had to be either Wed afternoon or Friday afternoon of the following week. Communicate back that I'm booked (language lesson and doc appointment, respectively) on those days, they say they'll get back. No response. Wait, wait. Ask if they can get something back by the end of the week, re: scheduling. No response. Then tonight they send a generic one liner saying “Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like we'll be opening additional times currently.  We wish you the best of luck with your search.” That's it, one liner.

Fuck job search in this country. It's total bullshit that this dude was sorry – he so isn't. Then to add salt on the wound I got a standardized HR rejection from a PT job at a bike shop I interviewed for. Guy posted for service but then tried shuffling me into sales instead. I said I was flexible but wanted service in the long run. Was only willing to offer $20/hr (maximum, could be lower) and only 20 hours a week. Follows up via his own work email to interview but the moment I'm rejected takes a week longer than he promised to respond back, and doesn't even have the balls to do it though the email he initially contacted me through. Instead they send it through their HR no-respond email.

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