
Using abusive company for second paycheck until I’m fired?

I was hired for a job that I am overqualified for. They pay me a reasonable wage but expect me to do work below my expertise. I won’t lie, it pisses me off… like why even hire me if you don’t wanna use my skills? Just hire a junior and save some money. It’s their egos. They wanna be right and have it their way instead of trusting the experts that they hired. But then I thought… is this such a bad thing? Work will be easier for me and I will have more free time. So for over half a year, I didn’t let it bother me anymore. Until the company financials started failing and they put pressure on me to deliver results. Sure, I can do that…. If you listen to me. But they still want it to be their way – which won’t get results – and…

I was hired for a job that I am overqualified for. They pay me a reasonable wage but expect me to do work below my expertise. I won’t lie, it pisses me off… like why even hire me if you don’t wanna use my skills? Just hire a junior and save some money.

It’s their egos. They wanna be right and have it their way instead of trusting the experts that they hired. But then I thought… is this such a bad thing? Work will be easier for me and I will have more free time.

So for over half a year, I didn’t let it bother me anymore. Until the company financials started failing and they put pressure on me to deliver results. Sure, I can do that…. If you listen to me. But they still want it to be their way – which won’t get results – and guess who will be blamed? Me.

Finally, last week I had enough when a manager talked rude and dismissive to me about an assignment I presented using my actual expertise. He wants to change it to his (not correct) way. So double blow – dismissing my hard work, being rude and dismissive about it, and gonna blame me when it all fails.

I thought I could use the situation to my advantage, but there is no motivation left to actually get them any results. Plus their toxic, abusive management attitudes get me down. I was planning to get a second job as OE (Google it) and eventually sacrifice this one instead of quitting, just get two paychecks for awhile. But not sure I can handle the verbal abuse.

I almost cried in a meeting today, but held it back. I am not okay! Should I talk to management, knowing damn well they won’t really care but might at least back off? Or just find a way to swallow my pride and use them as a second paycheck for a few months? Or just find another job and quit altogether?

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