I work in higher Ed and started my current position 3 years ago at 42,000 for an 11 month contract. I’ve received one 2% raise since I started, and now I have to earn 4/5 stars on my next performance review (that’s an above average rating) to get another 2% raise for September.
My supervisor appreciates me (she has no control over my pay, it’s American higher Ed, where we are all underpaid for our masters and doctorate degrees, ETA except for upper admins making 6 figures) and nominated me for an award for outstanding performance, which I won. It came with a $750 bonus. (Yay me! It’s better than nothing but a poor excuse for fair compensation).
Well, I just found out I need biopsies every 6 months bc I am at higher risk for breast cancer, and insurance will cover all but $457 of it every 6 months. So I will use my bonus to pay for most of these 2 biopsy visits.
‘Murica. Land of the overworked and home of the underinsured.
Thanks for letting me vent.