

I work at a plant as an admin assistant. I do a lot of data entry & attendance & work closely with the guy that runs the 3 divisions of our location. He's a hard one to figure out, he's very quiet, no-nonsense, no personal stuff so I have a hard time figuring out his humor. I get 10 days of vacation & as we were talking about carryover, which we usually don't do, I mentioned that or HR rep said I could have my 2 days carryover from last year since I started later in the year & couldn't take that time off. He got a scared look on his face & I said “don't worry, I won't be taking it all at once, my big vacation isn't until next year” he asked what that meant & when I told him, he said I didn't need 2 weeks for…

I work at a plant as an admin assistant. I do a lot of data entry & attendance & work closely with the guy that runs the 3 divisions of our location. He's a hard one to figure out, he's very quiet, no-nonsense, no personal stuff so I have a hard time figuring out his humor.

I get 10 days of vacation & as we were talking about carryover, which we usually don't do, I mentioned that or HR rep said I could have my 2 days carryover from last year since I started later in the year & couldn't take that time off. He got a scared look on his face & I said “don't worry, I won't be taking it all at once, my big vacation isn't until next year” he asked what that meant & when I told him, he said I didn't need 2 weeks for that.

I have no idea if he was joking or not, I have no idea now if he will actually approve the 2 weeks off for me & my Boyfriend who also works there. It's the kind of trip you have to plan before you ask for the time off. He has written on time off requests that it's the last time an employee can take 2 weeks in a row for a couple of years so part of me thinks it's serious.

This is a trip I've been wanting to do for 5 years so if it comes down to it, if I'm not approved, my resume will be out that day. I hate that someone can have that much power over a person's life. It's MY time off & as long as it doesn't conflict with anyone (I can understand not having multiple people in the same department off at the same time) It shouldn't even be an issue.

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