
VCA share your pay

Worth a shot. There is a lot of talk about sharing your wage here but it’s really hard to push in the work place. I think if we want to see it more, we need to start normalizing it. So if you work for VCA, Vet Center of America, write your wage, position, and how long you’ve been in the job. I know it’s not the same but even some comparison is better than none. I made a throw away account for this. I work i as a VA and make 16.10 an hour in Ontario. 2 years. We could maybe do this for other Corp jobs too? Dunno, just a thought.

Worth a shot. There is a lot of talk about sharing your wage here but it’s really hard to push in the work place. I think if we want to see it more, we need to start normalizing it. So if you work for VCA, Vet Center of America, write your wage, position, and how long you’ve been in the job. I know it’s not the same but even some comparison is better than none. I made a throw away account for this.

I work i as a VA and make 16.10 an hour in Ontario. 2 years.

We could maybe do this for other Corp jobs too? Dunno, just a thought.

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