
Vent and maybe asking for help

My field is psychology, I want to be a therapist in the future During the pandemic I had a great job in my field but couldn’t stay due to health reason. Honestly being immune compromised and the stress of crisis counseling was so much it landed me in the hospital several times and lead to a few suicidal attempts I wasn’t able to maintain so I moved by in with my parents and got a job at a supermarket. I thought this was going to be temporary but here I am still there almost a year later. I haven’t even been able to save any money because even I make 12/hour im paying rent that exceeds my income Nothing is particularly stressful about my job. Being there is what’s killing me. The stress is causing symptoms I haven’t experienced since I had that crisis counselor job: headaches, dizziness, light headed…

My field is psychology, I want to be a therapist in the future

During the pandemic I had a great job in my field but couldn’t stay due to health reason. Honestly being immune compromised and the stress of crisis counseling was so much it landed me in the hospital several times and lead to a few suicidal attempts

I wasn’t able to maintain so I moved by in with my parents and got a job at a supermarket. I thought this was going to be temporary but here I am still there almost a year later. I haven’t even been able to save any money because even I make 12/hour im paying rent that exceeds my income

Nothing is particularly stressful about my job. Being there is what’s killing me. The stress is causing symptoms I haven’t experienced since I had that crisis counselor job: headaches, dizziness, light headed ness, blurred vision, lack of appetite, lack of restful sleep, slurring of my words. I’ve been to so many doctors and none have been helpful

Im in the US and in NJ. Does anyone know of any work that could help?

Important to note: my search has consisted of work that mostly remote or very near me (>5 miles) bc I’m in the process of getting license. I’m also working on going back to school for my masters

Feel free to pm

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