How long do you spend in each session? I'm typically in my workplace's private room for 20-25 minutes. Is that a long time? I feel like I struggle to get out my supplies, pump, clean up and get back to work in any less time. I do this twice a day while on the clock, and once while on an unpaid lunch for an eight hour shift. I still only produce juuust enough.
One boss had offered her private office for me to pump. I accepted the kind gesture so that I don't have to walk a few minutes away to my workplace's designated nursing room. My other boss has been calling to me through the door when I've been occupied longer than 15 minutes. Things like, “This order is ready!” Which feels like a passive aggressive way to say I've spent long enough, you have work to do. She will also say things like, “It will be great when you are done pumping.”
I KNOW IT'S MY LEGAL RIGHT TO SPEND TIME PUMPING TO FEED MY BABY. I had to vent anyway because I've decided to exlusively use the dedicated nirsing room so I can have privacy, despite having to take a short walk. Just peeved at my boss and wanted to vent.