
Venting, also unemployment?

So… I think this is it, I'm pretty sure I'm about to get fired… stressed now and am hoping I can get on unemployment… So big question, if they fire me for a reason that unemployment deems as good enough to not qualify me for unemployment, can I still fight it? Basically after 10 years of actually working hard climbing the ladder… (security field) I kept getting screwed over because they just didn't like me questioning their dumb policies… last week someone sabotaged me by filling in my vacation pics with my signature… before it was my turn making me look like an asshole to the bosses that don't like me… I showed my coworkers proof that for example the handwriting was easily not mine… but while being stressed, a supervisor told me good thing I cleared things up cuz my job was on the line… so here I am…

So… I think this is it, I'm pretty sure I'm about to get fired… stressed now and am hoping I can get on unemployment…

So big question, if they fire me for a reason that unemployment deems as good enough to not qualify me for unemployment, can I still fight it?

Basically after 10 years of actually working hard climbing the ladder… (security field) I kept getting screwed over because they just didn't like me questioning their dumb policies… last week someone sabotaged me by filling in my vacation pics with my signature… before it was my turn making me look like an asshole to the bosses that don't like me… I showed my coworkers proof that for example the handwriting was easily not mine… but while being stressed, a supervisor told me good thing I cleared things up cuz my job was on the line… so here I am thinking that issue was resolved until the supervisor accused me of putting words in his mouth by asking another supervisor about the validity of his claim that my job was on the line… he then tells me never to speak to him and we'll that bridge is burned now… but since he's a supervisor and I'm not I feel like he's gonna report me and at this point, anyone's word will probably easily supercede mine…

Honestly, I'm glad this subreddit exists because the news always talk about his this generation doesn't wanna work anymore and it's so easy to see thanks to reddit [antiwork] that it's just the times… times have changed and I honestly believe everyone now is just smelling their own farts when it comes to positions of power in employment… fuck them, eventually when everyone leaves this dump… I hope they notice they fucked it up for themselves by screwing the workforce…

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