
Vindication from a from a former employer

I've never posted on here before but I'm a fan of reading some of the stories y'all share. I had something amazing happen last night and I really wanted to share with the world. So, up until the end of February, I was working for a franchise of a security company. The last few months of my employment were relatively easy as I worked at an assisted living facility where the bulk of my job was just monitoring alarms. It was great, until Christmas, when my boss decided to cut all of our hours to accommodate bringing in another guard when we didn't need another guard. On top of that, some time after the new year, the facility was bought out by a new company that seemed to be under the impression that as security, we were also on site maintenance/office assistant/gopher. I made it clear that I wasn't able…

I've never posted on here before but I'm a fan of reading some of the stories y'all share. I had something amazing happen last night and I really wanted to share with the world.

So, up until the end of February, I was working for a franchise of a security company. The last few months of my employment were relatively easy as I worked at an assisted living facility where the bulk of my job was just monitoring alarms. It was great, until Christmas, when my boss decided to cut all of our hours to accommodate bringing in another guard when we didn't need another guard. On top of that, some time after the new year, the facility was bought out by a new company that seemed to be under the impression that as security, we were also on site maintenance/office assistant/gopher.

I made it clear that I wasn't able to do all of that with a herniated disc in my back and, frankly, I wouldn't do it because it's not what I was paid to do. So, the client decided they didn't want me there. No problem, it happens. It's part of the nature of security work, anyone can dismiss you for literally any reason.

My boss, however, instead of listening to my side of things, decided to cut back my hours to 0 because I wasn't doing something I not only was not trained to do by his assistant manager, but specifically told by her not to do. He and I butted heads. I wouldn't back down, he wouldn't back down. So I never reached out to him again and started looking for more work.

I found a new job within 4 days. I've been working security for most of my adult life and I'm a giant. I stand at 6'4″ and weigh in at around 350lbs. They not only offered me full time hours again, but more money to boot. I jumped on it right away and was taking my piss test for the job at the week mark after last talking to my former employer.

Fast forward to last night. At this point I've been with the new company for about a month. It's been 5 weeks since I last heard from my previous boss. All of their phone numbers had been deleted from my phone, so last night when he calls me at 9pm, I just let it go to VM cause I didn't recognize it. I listen to the voicemail, and here he is offering me a shift (he sounded angry too, which tells me he had no other choice). Not only that but he's saying he needs me to call him back by 2am for this shift. Yeah, you heard me right. This dude not only tried to keep me on the line without work for 5 weeks, he also wanted to call me out of the blue at 9pm for a shift that started at 2am!

When I say it brought me joy to hear the anger in his voice at having to offer me work after being a total dick to me…I'm telling you I could have died happy. But no, now it not the time to die. Now is the time for vindication.

My exact words to him were:

“LMAO you must be desperate if you are calling me! Dude, within four days of when we last talked I had another job that not only actually gave me full time hours, but more money too. You can't afford me! But thank you for the opportunity to tell you to blow it out your ass.”

Was my response sophomoric? Yes

Did I just unnecessarily burn a bridge behind me? Absolutely

Did it feel great getting to tell a former employer, that not only paid dick but wouldn't give me hours and also treated me like shit, to blow it out of his ass? You're fucking right it did!

It's not often the universe serves you up a home run like that. I hope all of you have the opportunity. It is so worth it.

TL;DR Former employer tried to treat me like a side ho, didn't realize I'm a main bitch or nothing.

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