
Virtue signaling is a great way to alienate all of your other coworkers really fast

I'm not saying you should put up with disrespect, racism, or misogyny. What I am saying is that if your otherwise conservative coworkers are trying to talk to you about changing their material conditions, and you want to lecture them about manspreading, microaggressions, or body hair, you're wasting everyone's time. I'm trans. I get it. I get misgendered all the time at work and it sucks. But I make the choice (for myself, not saying anyone else needs to make the same choice on this) to meet people where they are. Everybody loves communism until you call it that. Nobody wants to be talked down to, and having facebook arguments with your coworkers isn't going to get any of us a pay raise. The next time one of your coworkers calls your boss “stupid,” maybe STFU for thirty seconds about how it's ableist to call them that, and start thinking…

I'm not saying you should put up with disrespect, racism, or misogyny.

What I am saying is that if your otherwise conservative coworkers are trying to talk to you about changing their material conditions, and you want to lecture them about manspreading, microaggressions, or body hair, you're wasting everyone's time.

I'm trans. I get it. I get misgendered all the time at work and it sucks. But I make the choice (for myself, not saying anyone else needs to make the same choice on this) to meet people where they are. Everybody loves communism until you call it that.

Nobody wants to be talked down to, and having facebook arguments with your coworkers isn't going to get any of us a pay raise. The next time one of your coworkers calls your boss “stupid,” maybe STFU for thirty seconds about how it's ableist to call them that, and start thinking about how you can build power.

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