I got fired today, yay!
I've had a new part time job for a while now (and actually managed to find something that I like doing), maybe around 6-9 months.
The boss was cool as heck, my other coworker is cool, we are very good friends tbh, spending time outside of work too, she's really fun to be around.
Well today I got fired. Basically I was upfront with my boss that I am looking for a full time position, since I will be no longer attending college.
It all started with my coworker snitching on him last Thursday because he was talking shit about me. How I call him all the time (letting him know what needs to be ordered, where the invoices are), that he had to look for a replacement because of me (even though I told him I had at least six people lined up for the position), and he was livid that I let him know a full 5 DAYS IN ADVANCE that I won't be able to come on Tuesday, because I was going to the dentist.
So today at work he came here and told me that he is letting me go, because he can't no longer count on me to be here and that it's for the better.
And you know what, I get it, I do.
What I don't really get is him asking me to tell him two weeks in advance that I am leaving, but he won't even let me finish the hours I have already planned in advance.
I busted ass for this man. I covered the whole December for him, I covered the day before Christmas, I was here after Christmas, I was here for New Year's Eve, I was here when my coworker couldn't make it, I was here when his own daughter couldn't make it.
I was here when he lied to me about going skiing with his family, then got up and went skiing with his family two weeks later, fucking up my schedule and thus fucking up some interview times I had lined up.
Never once I told him I wouldn't cover. Never once I told him no. I cleaned the fucking computer for him because it was dirty as fuck inside.
All I wanted back was some human decency and a heads up so I could get my finances in order.
I'm not mad. I'm not bitter, nor sad, nor annoyed. I knew I would be leaving soon-ish, so this doesn't hurt as much. But jesus what the fuck man.
So yeah. I work in a small wine place.
I'm getting tipsy and eating the snacks. He doesn't do the inventory anyway