
Volunteering has never helped me gain employment

I have more volunteer experience on my resume than actual work. I never got jobs because they wanted someone with more than just volunteer experience. I would go to volunteer, but when I applied for the job I volunteered for, they always found someone “more experienced”. Even some volunteer places had people cynically ask me “you're trying to get a job here, aren't you?” before I even opened my mouth. This has gone on for 20 years of my life and if I hear one more person suggest volunteering to me I'm gonna print out the volunteer postings and shove it down their throats. Edit: I don't have time for people with reading comprehension issues. This is a vent about my shitty experience, not a window to offer your “one size fits all” employment advice. This isn't r/work. The next ones are getting blocked.

I have more volunteer experience on my resume than actual work. I never got jobs because they wanted someone with more than just volunteer experience. I would go to volunteer, but when I applied for the job I volunteered for, they always found someone “more experienced”. Even some volunteer places had people cynically ask me “you're trying to get a job here, aren't you?” before I even opened my mouth.

This has gone on for 20 years of my life and if I hear one more person suggest volunteering to me I'm gonna print out the volunteer postings and shove it down their throats.

Edit: I don't have time for people with reading comprehension issues. This is a vent about my shitty experience, not a window to offer your “one size fits all” employment advice. This isn't r/work. The next ones are getting blocked.

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