
Walked out of an interview today

Got laid off about a week and a half ago, had an interview scheduled this morning at 10am for a host position at a buffet-style restaurant. I arrived 10 minutes early, introduced myself and told them I was here for an interview. The manager came by and said hello, told me he was working the register at the moment and couldn't do the interview himself so he was going to try to get the other manager to do it. Had me sit at a table and wait. 10, 15, 20 minutes pass. Not a word from anyone. I thought “Okay, I was early so I guess waiting a bit was to be expected.” But, the restaurant was not busy whatsoever. There were maybe 3 people eating in the entire place. So why are the managers apparently too busy to conduct an interview they scheduled? Wanted even longer. At about 45…

Got laid off about a week and a half ago, had an interview scheduled this morning at 10am for a host position at a buffet-style restaurant. I arrived 10 minutes early, introduced myself and told them I was here for an interview. The manager came by and said hello, told me he was working the register at the moment and couldn't do the interview himself so he was going to try to get the other manager to do it. Had me sit at a table and wait. 10, 15, 20 minutes pass. Not a word from anyone. I thought “Okay, I was early so I guess waiting a bit was to be expected.”

But, the restaurant was not busy whatsoever. There were maybe 3 people eating in the entire place. So why are the managers apparently too busy to conduct an interview they scheduled? Wanted even longer. At about 45 mins a waiter came over to me and asked if I needed anything, as i had just been sitting there for a long time. I told them I was waiting for an interview. They asked if the managers knew I was here, I said yes. He simply shook his head, said “they always messing up.” And walked away. I was very annoyed, but I also really needed a job and this place scheduled an interview with me 20 minutes after I submitted my application so I figured I had a pretty good shot.

I waited a total of an hour and 15 minutes with not a single person other than the one waiter saying a word to me. At that point I got up and went to the first manager that said he was too busy to do my interview, which I could see him from where I was sitting and he made maybe 10 transactions in total during that hour, and asked “I've been waiting over an hour for this interview. I'd be happy to reschedule if for some reason this one is to be canceled, I'd just like to know that before sitting here another hour.”

He said “Oh, my other manager just went on her lunch break, she can do the interview when she gets back in about 30 minutes.”

I just said “Okay thank you.” And left. Sat in my car fuming for awhile. Why would a business schedule me for an interview almost immediately after I submit an application only to completely waste my time? Ridiculous.

In better news I have two other interviews set up tomorrow so hopefully those ones go much better

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