
Walked out on my job, was happy for the first time in a month

I worked for a huge beverage company and had actually quite enjoyed my job. I was assigned in an area that I was comfortable in and helped me in dealing with the mental issues I’ve suffered my entire life. Some drama ended up happening in another area of work and somehow I ended up as a causality trying to fix it. Despite me warning my supervisors that I would not be able to deal being in that area due to a history I had there that involved a breakdown, which I informed them of, I was still forced to move there. I couldn’t even go 1 day before I had an anxiety attack and had to take some time off to try and collect myself. This did nothing to change their minds and when I returned I was still assigned in that area. Over the next 3 weeks I preceded…

I worked for a huge beverage company and had actually quite enjoyed my job. I was assigned in an area that I was comfortable in and helped me in dealing with the mental issues I’ve suffered my entire life. Some drama ended up happening in another area of work and somehow I ended up as a causality trying to fix it. Despite me warning my supervisors that I would not be able to deal being in that area due to a history I had there that involved a breakdown, which I informed them of, I was still forced to move there. I couldn’t even go 1 day before I had an anxiety attack and had to take some time off to try and collect myself. This did nothing to change their minds and when I returned I was still assigned in that area. Over the next 3 weeks I preceded to have numerous breakdowns many of which required me to go home early. The day I walked out my supervisors came to see me to write me up for the days off because of my anxiety and for the breakdowns I had been having. It was at that moment I lost all respect I had for them and realized that I could not work for scum. I told them I quit and walked out. After my rage for what had happened subsided I was hit with a wave of happiness. Having the stress of being in that area suddenly lifted was so liberating. The only regret I have is I didn’t leave earlier. I had thought my supervisors were good people and had hope that they’d do the right thing when they saw how much I was struggling. Instead the only thing i did was cause myself unneeded suffering. I will never do that again. For now I’m taking a bit of time off to insure I’m fully ready for whatever new job I get but never again will I trust that I’ll matter more than the job to supervisors no matter how kind and caring they seem.

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