
Walked out on Retail Job Before Black Fridays (Rightfully)

First, this was roughly 5 years ago and I have been self employed and happily employed in a completely different industry now. I got a part time job at one of the leading specialty retailers in the world. I just wanted a couple extra dollars, while not spending that time spending money on beers and sitting on the couch. Because it was a part time seasonal job after my day job I told them the days I was available and I was available until 10 pm. This was all in my availability on my application, signed off and all. I was hired, no issues everyone is happy. I have a strong history of retail management, and I exceed all expectations of a seasonal employee. Within a week I had my entire department cleaned head to toe, and the backroom as well, priced and organized. management was blown away and would…

First, this was roughly 5 years ago and I have been self employed and happily employed in a completely different industry now.

I got a part time job at one of the leading specialty retailers in the world. I just wanted a couple extra dollars, while not spending that time spending money on beers and sitting on the couch.
Because it was a part time seasonal job after my day job I told them the days I was available and I was available until 10 pm. This was all in my availability on my application, signed off and all. I was hired, no issues everyone is happy.

I have a strong history of retail management, and I exceed all expectations of a seasonal employee. Within a week I had my entire department cleaned head to toe, and the backroom as well, priced and organized. management was blown away and would repeatedly ask me if I would apply to be an assistant manager ( hard no, retail is hell).

The problem started with the 10pm agreed availability. The store closed at 10. But the mentality was, we leave as a team and stay late to make sure the store is clean. Some days that would be 10:30/10:45. I bring this up and I get the political answers. This goes on for 6 weeks or so. I kind of suck it up because so long as I leave by 11 I was fine, but I was annoyed, I felt disrespected.

Its the week the Black Friday schedule was being made. My availability was off Friday, and only 9-6 on weekends. But because my other job was off, I told management that I was available for anything they needed for Friday – Sunday. They ask if 4am Friday and Saturday is fine, I agree.

The schedule comes out and I'm scheduled till midnight Wednesday night. While I can do this, I was livid. I went to management and told them no, and got more political answers. I stood firm and said I was only working till 10, those were the conditions of my seasonal employment and they told me ” You have to stay until the store is ready”. I said ok. Finished my shift that day, clocked out at 9:55 ( needed to make sure the door wasn't locked so I could leave because I wasn't staying late) then never showed up again.

While part of me thought it was petty, the fact is we had agreed upon terms of employment, that they repeatedly violated so I no longer felt obligated to hold my end either. And the holiday beers I drank instead of going to my second job were delicious.

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