
Walking Off the Job

I'm nearing the point of grabbing a big ass board painted in red letters and a megaphone and a suitcase full of cash and using an off day to go to establishment after establishment and demand that the workers immediately leave their job, right effing now, walk out and create some sort of mega picket line. Literally, I'm mustering up any possible idea and way to make these aspirations for a better way of life happen now during my youth now now now. Because I'm tired of working with no prospects of having a home, fearing having a family because of the medical bills and the financing it would take to establish one, diving deeper into debt to further education with no promise of a livable wage on the other end, and always fantasizing not having a life at all because I will never get to live a life worth…

I'm nearing the point of grabbing a big ass board painted in red letters and a megaphone and a suitcase full of cash and using an off day to go to establishment after establishment and demand that the workers immediately leave their job, right effing now, walk out and create some sort of mega picket line.

Literally, I'm mustering up any possible idea and way to make these aspirations for a better way of life happen now during my youth now now now. Because I'm tired of working with no prospects of having a home, fearing having a family because of the medical bills and the financing it would take to establish one, diving deeper into debt to further education with no promise of a livable wage on the other end, and always fantasizing not having a life at all because I will never get to live a life worth living.

I'm chronically working to make one pig rich while I have to go weeks sometimes eating noodles and canned food and fucking eggs and tv dinners. It's ridiculous.

If you're not standing for 8 hours at a time 4-6 days a week with entitled pricks breathing down your neck in all directions, you're slaving away lifting and packing boxes all day or in an office with a micromanager who treats you less than shit. And most times that nitpicking asshole person isn't even near the top of the hierarchy nor getting paid enough to act in such a bootlicking and oppressive manner.

What the f*ck is it going to take seriously. I will exhaust every resource until I find a solution because I am tired. YAY to you Unions. THANK YOU for all that you do.

OK rant over but I'll be back to whine and cry some more as Antiwork is the only thing that gives me an inch of hope while I'm at work, clock-watching when I'll be able to go home and hug my pup.

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