
walmart is screwing me

I was injured last year in July. My boss blatantly ignored me when I warned them that someone was going to get hurt due to the electronic door being broken and us having to manually open the door while pulling out our totes which leads directly to a slope. I had the totes fall on me because the door came slaming back on them. My arm is fucked up and they are refusing to pay me and due to my states laws they can do that. They also cannot be charged with negligence or be sued for my pain and suffering only lost wages. I find it to be absolute bullshit I have a court daye for Nov 2 but I want to ask what people's thoughts are to make sure they pay for what they did to me.

I was injured last year in July. My boss blatantly ignored me when I warned them that someone was going to get hurt due to the electronic door being broken and us having to manually open the door while pulling out our totes which leads directly to a slope. I had the totes fall on me because the door came slaming back on them. My arm is fucked up and they are refusing to pay me and due to my states laws they can do that. They also cannot be charged with negligence or be sued for my pain and suffering only lost wages. I find it to be absolute bullshit I have a court daye for Nov 2 but I want to ask what people's thoughts are to make sure they pay for what they did to me.

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