
Want to know where I stand because I’m sick of feeling like this

Just want to know what to do in this situation because I'm just tired of feeling scared/belittled by employers. So I received a 'friendly conversation' from a manager last week about my hours, despite the fact that under my assumption, I'm doing them. The gist of my job is, I have a work van, loaded with tools, and travel to different sites which can change at any given moment, depending on the situation. Sometimes I'll be going 45 minutes away, sometimes an hour. From my own assumption (based on laws I had read before) my hours were from the moment I got in my van, until I got out when I arrived home, due to my van being my office and containing the means in which I can do my work, and that i also do bits of work in the van regarding reports and stuff. I just don't know…

Just want to know what to do in this situation because I'm just tired of feeling scared/belittled by employers.

So I received a 'friendly conversation' from a manager last week about my hours, despite the fact that under my assumption, I'm doing them. The gist of my job is, I have a work van, loaded with tools, and travel to different sites which can change at any given moment, depending on the situation. Sometimes I'll be going 45 minutes away, sometimes an hour. From my own assumption (based on laws I had read before) my hours were from the moment I got in my van, until I got out when I arrived home, due to my van being my office and containing the means in which I can do my work, and that i also do bits of work in the van regarding reports and stuff. I just don't know if I'm over my head about this? I work 6.30am-3pm door to door. I go to an area, I do my work, and I go home. And I'm told that I do a good job of it.

Now, I have been doing this since I started my job in February. And it only seems in the past week or 2 it's became an issue, as I even received a text yesterday asking 'if I had done a full day' because I went home an hour early, because I went into work an hour early. I should also iterate that none of the office workers do their hours either, it's just that we are being tracked 'for health and safety' reasons. Nothing has happened yet, I'm just terrified of something happening, because I'm sick of employers trying to take a mile when I give a bit more effort. Happened in previous jobs too which has led to trauma and serious mental health issues.

Just generally sick of this whole work ethic of saying one thing then doing another, or being hypocritical. I don't even want to work this job. I was forced in by my dad years ago (I moved from NI to England but took the same job as I put myself into debt to get away from my dad and can't even afford to try and get a job in a field that I want).

Sorry for the long spiel, but am I right in assuming my van is my place of work?

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