
Want to not get the job? It’s simple: just treat interviewers like they treat you.

Ask for references from ex-employees. Turn the “why do you want to work for us” question on them and ask, “why do you want to hire me?” Show up late to the interview. Just as they don't read your resume beforehand, don't read about their company prior to the interview. They ignore any follow-ups, you ignore their follow-ups. Don't send a thank you letter; they don't.

Ask for references from ex-employees. Turn the “why do you want to work for us” question on them and ask, “why do you want to hire me?” Show up late to the interview. Just as they don't read your resume beforehand, don't read about their company prior to the interview. They ignore any follow-ups, you ignore their follow-ups. Don't send a thank you letter; they don't.

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