I have been an engineer for 5 years now. Worked 40 hours a week and went to university full time at the SAME time. Lived out of a bag, got diagnosed with chrons disease and then epilepsy, lost my driving licence…..
The company I work for (and have for the past 4 years) said they will support me regardless: whether that be working from home, part time, longer breaks, paid taxis to work if needed. I would work the odd day from home if I wasn’t feeling too good, or if I was having a flare up I’d WFH in the afternoons. Apart from that, I’ve worked my fucking hardest. Had my projects nicked from me, no appraisal, they dismiss you and treat you like you’re fuck all. People who do less than you earn double the amount! Some of them think they’re too good to even talk to you. Complete rudeness. At times I’ve been unable to leave due to being unwell. Needed to get a taxi in one day and
their promises just….evaporated.
My mother was a single mum bringing up 3 kids and had an incredible work ethic. I always aspired to be like her. And I did incredibly well for myself. But I can’t continue being over worked and underpaid.
I live in a small town. Me and my husband have a house it’s not realistic to just up and move. I can’t just go to a big city. I’m worried I won’t find another engineering position due to my health problems, the fact that I can’t drive due to my epilepsy (my husband brings me in, we work at the same place), and the fact that I have lost all motivation. Why work hard for what feels like nothing.
I want to start working for myself and illustrate. Its always been my passion I just tried to keep my hobbies separate to my work. Once I start making an income I want to quit my job. My husband is 1000% supportive of me I just worry that this is impulsive. And if it’s not a smart thing to do?? Since I worked my ass off to get here. Any advice appreciated, I’m so upset over all of it.