
Want to quit so bad

So I have been working for my company for 9 years. It is a HUGE banking corporation here in the states. Well last year they opened a new site in another state, so naturally we all became a little nervous about possible layoffs, but our managers assured us that we are the only department in the country that does the task we do. That it would takes years to learn these skills. So of course we all go on with our lives, I had a baby, was gone half the year because of maternity leave, so I was out of the loop for a lot of things. Well fast forward to January of this year, and we got the notice that we are all being laid off! To say I was shocked is an understatement. I had just closed on my home the month before, my baby was less than…

So I have been working for my company for 9 years. It is a HUGE banking corporation here in the states. Well last year they opened a new site in another state, so naturally we all became a little nervous about possible layoffs, but our managers assured us that we are the only department in the country that does the task we do. That it would takes years to learn these skills. So of course we all go on with our lives, I had a baby, was gone half the year because of maternity leave, so I was out of the loop for a lot of things. Well fast forward to January of this year, and we got the notice that we are all being laid off! To say I was shocked is an understatement. I had just closed on my home the month before, my baby was less than a year old. And I aM now loosing my job! Our official last day is June of 2022, but since getting the news most of my colleagues and I have checked out!! No motivation, could care less about this company. The only reason I am staying, until then because they are offering a severance package that will pay me my salary until the end of the year. So I am excited to take time off, and be home. But today my manager had a “talk” about my production, and that my performance is “concerning” like seriously. How can anyone be happy and chipper and actually care about their job, knowing they are literally laying you off!! Like explain this to me! I am so ready to throw in the towel, but all I can think about is how fun my summer will be! But I don’t know if I can handle the negative energy in the office, and literally preparing for the inevitable!!

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