
Wanting fair working rights? Or just lazy

I feel like 50% of the people in this Subreddit, just don't want to work for the sake of not working.. I feel like they push there own agendas and stupid remarks to jobs in general to justify themselves. For example, there are people complaining about writing a cover letter, a 4 line paragraph explaining who you are… to stand out for the job your applying for, but no, even that's to much work apparently. ( A Fantastic way for an employee to quickly see who you are ) And then you get the whole, If an employee asks me why i want to work for them, ill ask the employee why I SHOULD work for them…. No, this is not how it works, most Companies find 20-30 Suitable candidates and work through their resumes to find the most suited to the job , in most cases , has the…

I feel like 50% of the people in this Subreddit, just don't want to work for the sake of not working..

I feel like they push there own agendas and stupid remarks to jobs in general to justify themselves. For example, there are people complaining about writing a cover letter, a 4 line paragraph explaining who you are… to stand out for the job your applying for, but no, even that's to much work apparently. ( A Fantastic way for an employee to quickly see who you are )

And then you get the whole, If an employee asks me why i want to work for them, ill ask the employee why I SHOULD work for them…. No, this is not how it works, most Companies find 20-30 Suitable candidates and work through their resumes to find the most suited to the job , in most cases , has the experience required for the job.

I'm all for fair pay, equal wages, and proper work ethics, but I'm mostly seeing people who still live with there parents at age 30, who have only ever worked 1 job at McDonalds, complaining about applying to jobs etc… Just because you worked a shitass job, doesn't mean every job is shit.

Anyway, I'm not here to upset people. just to give my point of view

Please leave your own opinions, ( I've worked my whole adult life from 17 – 28 , I think 4 day work weeks are fantastic, and i think we need more pay overall )

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