Hey everyone.
So my time on this sub unironically radicalized me. I realized how ridiculous it was to ignore my inner desires until I was 68.
I’m 24, a trans woman, and I’m married to a non-binary person. He’s been very sick, so I’ve stayed at my job to pay the bills.
I finally got back on my anti-anxiety meds and realized I had been in pure survival mode almost my whole life. I’ve been dissociating for years. I would cry because I literally didn’t know how to stop stressing and have fun. What the fuck? Why was I doing this? I always dreamed of being a stay at home wife but never thought I could be.
We’ll my wife had surgery and is feeling a lot better. Jobs pay way more than the last time he was in the market, and he’s completely fine with me staying home.
I know I’m insanely lucky and I don’t mean to brag seriously- this should be how everyone lives! Humans should be happy first and productive second!