
Was let go after I came forward about my autism and possibly having cancer.

Hi everyone, side account because not sure if this will even be seen but I was just let go after just recently informing my work of possibly having cancer and them finding out I was on the spectrum. I started this job three months ago, a reception gig at a health clinic for pets. It was such an awesome feeling of being able to work with people and animals. Now I was still new to the job so I did make rookie mistakes such as : filling out a medication request form without seeing if the patient is due for an exam (something even seasoned workers there did all the time) and processing a check wrong (something seasoned workers there did all the time. I was told I was an excellent worker/friendly to be around. Always offering to help out/pick up shifts. Then one night before bed I was doing…

Hi everyone, side account because not sure if this will even be seen but I was just let go after just recently informing my work of possibly having cancer and them finding out I was on the spectrum.

I started this job three months ago, a reception gig at a health clinic for pets. It was such an awesome feeling of being able to work with people and animals. Now I was still new to the job so I did make rookie mistakes such as : filling out a medication request form without seeing if the patient is due for an exam (something even seasoned workers there did all the time) and processing a check wrong (something seasoned workers there did all the time.

I was told I was an excellent worker/friendly to be around. Always offering to help out/pick up shifts.

Then one night before bed I was doing a self exam (history of cancer in family so I check myself regularly) and found a slight small lump in my breast. I noticed some discoloration as well.

I needed off a day for an exam for my breast and informed my managers and made it clear it was for this reason.

They said sure and to keep this posted.

I’m also a very open person about being on the spectrum because why not? Well more of my coworkers found out and they said they were happy that I felt comfortable talking about it etc etc. it was nice being around other people who kinda were like me.

Well one of the managers asked how I was and I said kinda nervous because the appointment is not for another week or so. They made a comment about maybe having to tell the owner of the practice about my situation. I didn’t see the issue with it so I brushed it off (this was roughly about a week ago).

Well today, my last shift of a full week of working none stop, they call me up at the end of my shift, and tell me they are letting me go.

They said they are changing the receptionist area/down sizing etc etc and the whole conversation lasted about 5 minutes, if that.

But then I remembered they just said they hired a new receptionist who would be starting sometime next week.

I went home and just started putting all the pieces together and I hope I’m wrong but all the signs are pointing to the fact I was let go because of my health conditions.

I live in an at will state so it’s not like I could really do anything.

Before last week they even asked about me making a bio and sending a picture in to attached to the clinic website.

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