
Was offered doubletime for a 3 week period as incentive, never got it.

At the warehouse I work, we were told that if we didn't call off, come in late or leave early, we would be getting paid double time instead of time and a half. It is now a week after that period ended (I waited for the last check just to be sure) and they only paid me time and a half. We worked our asses off, 6 days a week using the incentive of the double time. A bunch of us even ended up getting sick after that 3 weeks, I'm assuming from stress. I'm going in today and I plan on asking about it. If they refuse to give me that money, I am quitting. I just want to work somewhere that won't take advantage of me, pays me fairly and treats me like I'm an asset instead of replaceable.

At the warehouse I work, we were told that if we didn't call off, come in late or leave early, we would be getting paid double time instead of time and a half. It is now a week after that period ended (I waited for the last check just to be sure) and they only paid me time and a half.

We worked our asses off, 6 days a week using the incentive of the double time. A bunch of us even ended up getting sick after that 3 weeks, I'm assuming from stress.

I'm going in today and I plan on asking about it. If they refuse to give me that money, I am quitting.

I just want to work somewhere that won't take advantage of me, pays me fairly and treats me like I'm an asset instead of replaceable.

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