
Was this a scam, or am I an idiot?

So I was laid off of my landscaping job two weeks ago. Been job hopping for a little while for the first time since I started working, and currently have had 3 jobs this year alone. Old job still owes me $200+ for the last four days of work I did, though I'll likely never see it. Moving on, I began job hunting. While driving home one day, I received a call from an old coworker from my first job this year. He said his cousin needed workers, and asked if he could give my number to his cousin. Paid drive time at $15/hr, other work rate is $25/hr paid by the job on arrival(it is a moving company). Since my bills total about $2000 a month, I figured this would be a fantastic opportunity, right? Red flags galore. First, the lady didn't give me her name or company name…

So I was laid off of my landscaping job two weeks ago. Been job hopping for a little while for the first time since I started working, and currently have had 3 jobs this year alone. Old job still owes me $200+ for the last four days of work I did, though I'll likely never see it.

Moving on, I began job hunting.
While driving home one day, I received a call from an old coworker from my first job this year. He said his cousin needed workers, and asked if he could give my number to his cousin. Paid drive time at $15/hr, other work rate is $25/hr paid by the job on arrival(it is a moving company). Since my bills total about $2000 a month, I figured this would be a fantastic opportunity, right?
Red flags galore.
First, the lady didn't give me her name or company name when she called.
Second, the person was hiring for work THAT DAY, within an hour of the phone call.
Third, they stated the pay rate as a range from Minimum Wage-$30/hr. Part time, yet expected to keep an open schedule as the job is on call. I mentioned I was looking for full time, and they hesitantly stated they “might be able to provide that”. Right.
Fourth, asked me if I could use my own vehicle for driving to each location. Weird, but okay.
Fifth, when I mentioned I was two hours away from the office to fill out my paperwork before starting, and the job was an hour and a half away from said office in the direction I was traveling from, I was told the following:

“We'll have you work today, but I won't put you 'on the books' unless you've made the cut. It's hard work, and I need to know if you can do the work before I put you on the books. I'm not taking shit and not playing games.”

And lastly, I asked myself, why is this person so desperate for workers, today? What happened to the other workers?

I thanked her for the opportunity and hung up.

Was this a scam? Or did I blow one of the only local opportunities to make enough to pull me out of the financial hole I'm in based on unfounded paranoia?

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