
Was told I would be receiving a write up for calling out sick, what should I do?

For starters, I work around kids and I easily get sick. I started not feeling that great a few days ago(coughing, sneezing, etc) and called out sick today as I don't feel super comfortable with the possibility I could get others sick (Kids get sick easily). My parents are of the mindset you should work or go to school even if you are sick. Growing up I went to school sick fairly often. It was only when I got to college, I finally stopped doing this and would stay home if I was unwell. I was not a bad student because of this and even graduated with honors this past spring. My mother got mad at me for not going to work today saying that because she goes to work sick, I should too. I informed my supervisor about an hour before my shift starts (per the handbook policy). Then…

For starters, I work around kids and I easily get sick. I started not feeling that great a few days ago(coughing, sneezing, etc) and called out sick today as I don't feel super comfortable with the possibility I could get others sick (Kids get sick easily).

My parents are of the mindset you should work or go to school even if you are sick. Growing up I went to school sick fairly often. It was only when I got to college, I finally stopped doing this and would stay home if I was unwell. I was not a bad student because of this and even graduated with honors this past spring. My mother got mad at me for not going to work today saying that because she goes to work sick, I should too.

I informed my supervisor about an hour before my shift starts (per the handbook policy). Then I was told I would receive a write-up upon returning to work because they were counting on me being there(despite having plenty of people on schedule). So now I will be receiving a write up for something out of my control.

Some context
It should be noted that this is not the first time this happened. They tried to give me a write up before when I was out sick for a week with really bad kidney infection. Then another write up for being late. Even though I had only been late twice (which I informed them ahead of time because I had been stuck in traffic).

Grant it, I am not good with time management skills and I have ASD. I tried to ask for accomodations for this, such as, having the same arrival and departure times. I even asked to be placed at a site that was closer to my apartment (the site I wanted to work at would be 5-10 minutes away vs the one I'm currently at that's almost 20 minutes away).

When I brought this up, I was told well just leave 40 minutes earlier to avoid traffic (the traffic is unavoidable due to construction). It should be noted that I have not had an issue with tardiness since the first write up but I do have to speed and break traffic rules to get to work.(I'm really uncomfortable with this as I don't want to get in a wreck).

One of my coworkers lied on me and said of they gave me a warning about being late. When I didn't even interact with them on the day in question. (This is why I will not be putting the job on my resume because if someone lied about this, they would lie to a future employer).

It's just a temporary position and I know I shouldn't care that much. But it's one less place to put on my resume and now I have a bit of job gap.

TL;DR: was unwell, called out sick, now will be receiving a write up.

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