
Was told to transfer ships , got COVID.

The title is the gist of it but for more detail, I'm Canadian and work on federal ships that ain't the navy, (not saying the organization to be safe.) The crewing office contacted the ship was on saying they needed a cook to transfer to a small ship with a crew of 5 max of 8 with science to fill in as relief for another cook for a week. I volunteered as I had an interest in the ship in question. One federally paid 3 hour cab ride later I arrive at said ship. It was not until I arrived and spoke with the captain that I was informed the cook who had left in the cab I arrived in had tested positive for covid, and they were flooded the office hadn't told me, not to mention the only cabin I could sleep in was the cabin said cook had…

The title is the gist of it but for more detail, I'm Canadian and work on federal ships that ain't the navy, (not saying the organization to be safe.) The crewing office contacted the ship was on saying they needed a cook to transfer to a small ship with a crew of 5 max of 8 with science to fill in as relief for another cook for a week. I volunteered as I had an interest in the ship in question. One federally paid 3 hour cab ride later I arrive at said ship.

It was not until I arrived and spoke with the captain that I was informed the cook who had left in the cab I arrived in had tested positive for covid, and they were flooded the office hadn't told me, not to mention the only cabin I could sleep in was the cabin said cook had slept in. The other crew members had already sanitized it but alas. The next morning we lost the chief mate to a positive test and the day after that we lost the captain. Yesterday we were all clear but this evening I felt shitty and did a test on a whim thus bringing us here.

While yes, I am pissed I got COVID, I am even more pissed I got tossed into this situation blind. The crewing office is happy to toss us crew members around like pieces on a game board, only concerned with filling vacant positions. They wait until it's literally either not worth the gas or not possible to return home to tell us they transferred us on crew change days or that there's covid on a boat. If they tell us at all.

I fully intend to file a grievance with my union and from what I was told by my Log officer of my usual ship, my usual captain went rather high up the ladder of the office side of things and tore a strip or 6 off anyone who mattered, all the way up to director level.

I am currently sat in my cabin waiting for the current ranking officer to return to do a PCR type test, all while wondering what will happen for quarantine as I live with family off shift and would rather not bring it home. Not to mention this ship is in another province and cannot feasibly sail with such a lacking crew.

Ive never thought highly of and administrative staff I've ever had, but these people truly are the most incompetent and useless people I've ever had the misfortune of having too listen too.

Edit: for clarity

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