
Wasn’t allowed water I brought from home, at work.

Im not a fan of posting. I'm a stocker. But Idk what to do. Boss hired a new manager. He's been on a serious power trip. Fixing things but also incredibly harsh. I have a disability that effects me so I can't work much. While stocking I had gotten sick and had to grab a granola bar to help it. I went to the break area. He came found me telling me I need to be working and I should've eaten at home if I get sick and to get back to work halfway through the bar. Hours later I had grabbed my water after stocking half the store and took a sip, to which somehow he came around the corner yelling at me to get back to work. He took away the bottled water for employees so we've brought them from home, now. I can't drink water and anytime…

Im not a fan of posting. I'm a stocker. But Idk what to do. Boss hired a new manager. He's been on a serious power trip. Fixing things but also incredibly harsh. I have a disability that effects me so I can't work much. While stocking I had gotten sick and had to grab a granola bar to help it. I went to the break area. He came found me telling me I need to be working and I should've eaten at home if I get sick and to get back to work halfway through the bar. Hours later I had grabbed my water after stocking half the store and took a sip, to which somehow he came around the corner yelling at me to get back to work. He took away the bottled water for employees so we've brought them from home, now. I can't drink water and anytime I tried to take a break he would make it so unbearably demeaning I don't even ask anymore. I left today because it's heavy lifting and I hadn't had anything to drink. Anytime I get done he's been there to have me do something else. Im known for coming in and working hard when Im scheduled so this all happened on a day he called me in to work early. Saddened by it because Idk because I left if it's a termination. I said why I left and have looked up to find it's breaking OSHA laws but idk what to do. The boss I like but this manager has been the reason for 5 people already quitting.

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