
We are living on a farm. A human farm.

Let's do a thought experiment. 100 like minded individuals are sick of working all the time. They get together and pool their resources. The group buys some land. They engage in farming, small scale manufacturing, or whatever they can think of so the community is self sustaining. They succeed and find that nobody has to work anything close to 40 hours a week to have their basic needs met. Life is good. But then the tax man cometh. They find your community is now worth millions of dollars using their mathematical pseudoscience and everybody now has to bust their ass to pay property tax. So incomes are forced to grow so the community can survive. Now the income taxes come on top of the property tax. Everybody is back to working their asses off to make ends meet when all they wanted to do in the first place was just…

Let's do a thought experiment. 100 like minded individuals are sick of working all the time. They get together and pool their resources. The group buys some land. They engage in farming, small scale manufacturing, or whatever they can think of so the community is self sustaining. They succeed and find that nobody has to work anything close to 40 hours a week to have their basic needs met. Life is good. But then the tax man cometh. They find your community is now worth millions of dollars using their mathematical pseudoscience and everybody now has to bust their ass to pay property tax. So incomes are forced to grow so the community can survive. Now the income taxes come on top of the property tax. Everybody is back to working their asses off to make ends meet when all they wanted to do in the first place was just to exist.

I like reading things on this sub. You people have the right ideas. But you are missing one important point. We are all worse than slaves. We are farm animals to those in power. We are living on a human farm. This is why things are as they are. To the elite we only exist so they can extract the maximum amount of wealth from us. If we are not generating wealth for them then we have no value and are treated as such.

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