
We are willing participants in a system designed to make us fail. What if we all just stopped participating?

We pay bills to corporations. We pay rent. We vote. We obey the law. We do what we're told. All for what? For some bootlickers at our work to hold us down? Some landlords to continue to not fix building issues? For banks to hold out cars/houses/lives hostage? For police to abuse us? For politicians to take our rights away, give us thoughts and prayers and move on to the next thing to strip us down more? What if we just stopped paying for things? Can you imagine the chaos if everyone stopped making house payments, rent payments, car payments, but stayed in their housing regardless of how many bills and threats we receive? The eviction process takes time, and the manpower to enforce evicting everyone would be insane. What if everyone stopped paying for groceries? And I mean everyone. Just walk in, grab what you need normally, then walk…

We pay bills to corporations. We pay rent. We vote. We obey the law. We do what we're told. All for what? For some bootlickers at our work to hold us down? Some landlords to continue to not fix building issues? For banks to hold out cars/houses/lives hostage? For police to abuse us? For politicians to take our rights away, give us thoughts and prayers and move on to the next thing to strip us down more?

What if we just stopped paying for things? Can you imagine the chaos if everyone stopped making house payments, rent payments, car payments, but stayed in their housing regardless of how many bills and threats we receive? The eviction process takes time, and the manpower to enforce evicting everyone would be insane.

What if everyone stopped paying for groceries? And I mean everyone. Just walk in, grab what you need normally, then walk out. I don't mean looting and ripping tvs off the wall, I mean getting your daily need of food or supplies, then just walk out as if you did pay for them. If everyone did that, and I mean everyone, then the toll it would take on big corporate would force them to make some kind of change. They couldn't possibly arrest everyone in a state, there isn't enough manpower or jails.

What if we helped each other out in a way that is beneficial to us? If you work at a bank, wipe debts clean with no paper trail. If you work in billing departments, say people paid their bills. Lie on their systems. They are treating you like shit anyway. Why help them continue to pay you a low wage for all the shit you do?

If thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of debts just disappeared, imagine how differently it would change your life, having zero debts right now. How corporations would suffer for a change.

Everyone works the same, but we work for each other instead of big corporate or big brother. No thieving, no fighting, just living. Disrupt the system.

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