
We can reduce inflation by taxing billionaires and then burning the money

Inflation is caused by to much money supply which in turn is taxes being too low relative to the amount of money created by the government. By burning money we reduce money supply. I mean 'burning' figuratively. What we really need to do is tax there rich, I suggested an inheritance tax earlier but that was unpopular. This is modern monetary theory. Government creates money and then increases taxes if inflation is too high. Rather than the other way around.

Inflation is caused by to much money supply which in turn is taxes being too low relative to the amount of money created by the government.

By burning money we reduce money supply. I mean 'burning' figuratively.

What we really need to do is tax there rich, I suggested an inheritance tax earlier but that was unpopular.

This is modern monetary theory. Government creates money and then increases taxes if inflation is too high. Rather than the other way around.

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