
We could be a post scarcity society in a year, we just don’t want to make the shift.

We, as in humanity, already are producing enough resources to feed, clothe, house and provide convenient life for every single person on the planet. We just collectively, culturally don't want to make it happen because of the ingrained cultural idea that other people's life's are not our personal responsibility. And even tho it makes me sad – we're all part of the problem. Even this sub does nothing in the long run. It's not a movement. It's a rough idea. It's a good start… but we're already past the starting faze. We need to organise, which is different from unionising. (We need to unionise too, but that's beside the point.) We need to meet with each other in real life, talk with actual living people and make interpersonal connections. Nothing “agreed upon on the internet” will ever just work out by itself in reality. No matter how many times we…

We, as in humanity, already are producing enough resources to feed, clothe, house and provide convenient life for every single person on the planet. We just collectively, culturally don't want to make it happen because of the ingrained cultural idea that other people's life's are not our personal responsibility.

And even tho it makes me sad – we're all part of the problem. Even this sub does nothing in the long run. It's not a movement. It's a rough idea. It's a good start… but we're already past the starting faze. We need to organise, which is different from unionising. (We need to unionise too, but that's beside the point.) We need to meet with each other in real life, talk with actual living people and make interpersonal connections. Nothing “agreed upon on the internet” will ever just work out by itself in reality. No matter how many times we make plans to start a strike or a walkout here on reddit, it needs to happen IRL.

We have the potential to infect (ha-ha) the whole world with the idea of participating in a post scarcity society if only we make it out of reddit and grab real attention engineered by us, not by media.

I work in logistics… and all I see around me are inefficient systems designed to make profit instead of working properly. Every single part of the process of moving something – anything – from point A to point B is unnecessarily expensive and restrictive, and practically engineered to be as inefficient as possible… and then the industry just throws people at the problem and tells them to “just work harder”…

If we could just all participate in the system designed to efficiently and purposefully transport goods to people who need them – TO EVERYONE – we could move 10x the volume for half the effort… but for some reason that I cannot grasp we'd rather collectively fight each other for scraps instead of working together…

Rant over

Am I alone in this? I'm in Poland BTW, anyone want to try help me organise something locally?

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