
We do all understand that the economic system we have is designed to eventually make us all poor correct?

I think one of the biggest reasons we don't have even more people fighting for change, is because so many people don't understand how we've been slowly getting robbed for at least the last 50-100 years. This economic system is designed to bring every single one of us, from upper middle class, to the people in poverty making minimum wage, down to the point that eventually we will all be on a similar level, and depend on our government to survive. The majority of average American workers yearly raises, do not even come close to covering the actual increase in prices that we see come out of our pocket. The inflation number is irrelevant, there's been many studies that show the number they give us is not accurate to what we see come out of our pockets from actual price increases yearly. You yourself can probably verify this by comparing…

I think one of the biggest reasons we don't have even more people fighting for change, is because so many people don't understand how we've been slowly getting robbed for at least the last 50-100 years. This economic system is designed to bring every single one of us, from upper middle class, to the people in poverty making minimum wage, down to the point that eventually we will all be on a similar level, and depend on our government to survive.

The majority of average American workers yearly raises, do not even come close to covering the actual increase in prices that we see come out of our pocket. The inflation number is irrelevant, there's been many studies that show the number they give us is not accurate to what we see come out of our pockets from actual price increases yearly. You yourself can probably verify this by comparing the prices of what you buy. Unless you're part of the very small percentage of Americans that gets a raise high enough to cover the actual increases every year, you have been losing money every single year in the form of purchasing power, even if you got some raise. $20 today, doesn't go nearly as far as it did 20 years ago. This has been he case for the majority of Americans for at least the last 30-40 years, and as long as I've been alive, probably more like 50-100 years.

So every year every single one of us is slowly losing the amount of products we can buy, even when our check goes up a little bit, we actually lost money. What we're seeing right now, is the effects of this being the case for however long it's been going on. Which means, 50 years from now, there's going to be even more of us slowly brought lower, and lower, and lower, until eventually, we're all broke. This system is completely unsustainable, and designed to bring us all lower and lower and lower over time.

If our generations don't understand that this is what's being done to us, and fight for some real change, we're setting up the next generations to be in an even worse situation than what we're dealing with. We are literally making the 1% stupid rich, while simultaneously digging our own grave that is eventually going to have our kids and grandkids sitting in bread lines just to eat once a day. You think this is bad? Just imagine what it's going to look like if this isn't changed soon.

I don't have all the answers, I don't know what to do to change this. I don't even know where to start. But I realize that more people understanding how the system is inevitably bringing everyone lower and lower, is vital to getting the bright minds that can come up with an answer, thinking to come up with that answer. It's only going to get worse if we don't come up with and take some action sooner than later. Even just getting more people to understand how we're slowly being robbed every year, and spreading awareness is better than doing absolutely nothing. But more needs to be done, we can't just set the next generations up even worse than this.

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