
“We don’t give inflation raises in our company”

So a few weeks ago we had one of those townhall meetings. All the board members basically boasting about how well the business is going, showing off the numbers, speaking about how we are way beyond our targets. And then the Q&A session comes, and the most asked question is whether we're gonna have company-wide raises to compensate for the inflation. And the HR lady comes up and says that no, because “we dont give people inflation raises, but we're gonna try give more people raises this year, but we cant promise you anything, because we are merging with that one company we have just bought for gazillions of dollars”. Well Betsy, your stupid merger won't pay my rent. Ugh, the audacity of those people

So a few weeks ago we had one of those townhall meetings. All the board members basically boasting about how well the business is going, showing off the numbers, speaking about how we are way beyond our targets.

And then the Q&A session comes, and the most asked question is whether we're gonna have company-wide raises to compensate for the inflation. And the HR lady comes up and says that no, because “we dont give people inflation raises, but we're gonna try give more people raises this year, but we cant promise you anything, because we are merging with that one company we have just bought for gazillions of dollars”.

Well Betsy, your stupid merger won't pay my rent. Ugh, the audacity of those people

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