
We each have about a 0.000000352644836 chance of becoming a billionaire. So why are people working 20 hour days and destroying lives and this planet in their pursuit of billions?

And if you aren't already a royal, a Walton, or otherwise in a family of billionaires and waiting for inheritance, your chances are even slimmer. Why can't so many people just be happy with having enough? Why do people Stan Elon Musk for acting like the spoiled little child he is? The idea that GDP and stocks and production should always increase is toxic and hurt everyone but a few thousand people at the top. ~2,800 billionaires worldwide ÷ ~7,940,000,000 people in the world.

And if you aren't already a royal, a Walton, or otherwise in a family of billionaires and waiting for inheritance, your chances are even slimmer.

Why can't so many people just be happy with having enough? Why do people Stan Elon Musk for acting like the spoiled little child he is? The idea that GDP and stocks and production should always increase is toxic and hurt everyone but a few thousand people at the top.

~2,800 billionaires worldwide ÷ ~7,940,000,000 people in the world.

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