

I'm seeing a lot of posts declaring a strike today but none of them have any details and they are failing to recognize that the people who would ACTUALLY make a difference by striking cannot afford to do so. We need to get a general strike fund going in which people (like myself) who are in a position to donate can do so to cover expenses for wage workers. These are the people the economy is actually hinged on. I'm happy to call out of my WFH job in solidarity but it's not going to do jack shit. We need restaurant workers, retail workers, warehouse workers etc. to have the ability to strike too and THE PEOPLE WHO CAN AFFORD TO NEED TO HELP THEM DO IT. I have minimal organizing experience and I do not know the best way to go about this. Is there anyone in here with…

I'm seeing a lot of posts declaring a strike today but none of them have any details and they are failing to recognize that the people who would ACTUALLY make a difference by striking cannot afford to do so. We need to get a general strike fund going in which people (like myself) who are in a position to donate can do so to cover expenses for wage workers. These are the people the economy is actually hinged on. I'm happy to call out of my WFH job in solidarity but it's not going to do jack shit. We need restaurant workers, retail workers, warehouse workers etc. to have the ability to strike too and THE PEOPLE WHO CAN AFFORD TO NEED TO HELP THEM DO IT.

I have minimal organizing experience and I do not know the best way to go about this. Is there anyone in here with more organizing experience who can shed some light on where to begin?

EDIT: I've been thinking on this all day and these are some preliminary ideas I've had. Obviously not fleshed out but will update as I think of more:

  • DSA, Food Not Bombs, CPUSA, PLS & other leftist organizations could canvass in their respective cities & inform workers in local business, parks, etc. about a General Strike. My vote is for Labor Day, September 5th, as this would give us over two months to put it into action.
  • We could put up flyers, hand out pamphlets, etc. Perhaps we could find designers who’d be willing to donate their skills for this
  • We should encourage wage workers to appoint someone in their workplace who can report on the # of people who need mutual aid & give them information on how to do this (need to think this through still)
  • Call out celebrities on Twitter who post about wanting “change” and get them on board to spread the message and donate to a strike fund

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