
we need a system that takes care of the people not the shareholders, execs, and CEO’s

The main reason the rich continue to control the system is because they control the money supply. The federal reserve can print as much money as it wants. It then funnels that money to central banks and organizations like blackrock and citadel who buy mortgage backed securities and equities making the rich richer and the poor poorer. They literally control every market through high speed algorithm trading and paper derivatives. It’s the biggest scam alive. Look Up fractional reserve banking. It has been tried time and time again in the past and has failed thousands of times! Every time fiat (money backed by nothing) goes to zero in relation to real money like gold and silver. These are things with intrinsic value. Silver is the most patented industrial metal Having more combined than all other metals. It has intrinsic value and is used in everything and needed in everything. Without…

The main reason the rich continue to control the system is because they control the money supply. The federal reserve can print as much money as it wants. It then funnels that money to central banks and organizations like blackrock and citadel who buy mortgage backed securities and equities making the rich richer and the poor poorer. They literally control every market through high speed algorithm trading and paper derivatives. It’s the biggest scam alive. Look Up fractional reserve banking. It has been tried time and time again in the past and has failed thousands of times! Every time fiat (money backed by nothing) goes to zero in relation to real money like gold and silver. These are things with intrinsic value. Silver is the most patented industrial metal Having more combined than all other metals. It has intrinsic value and is used in everything and needed in everything. Without sound money we are doomed. I Know everyone thinks this sounds like a crazy conspiracy.

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