

I feel like this sub has strayed away from its original purpose which was to discuss ways to abolish work itself Most posts now are just about how sucky our jobs are WHICH IS GREAT MOTIVATION, DON'T GET ME WRONG, but it's high time we put that motivation towards solving our problems Our problems being we can't survive without working, which allows us to be taken advantage of. The solution? Make it so that working isn't necessary to produce the goods we need to survive Right now we have the tool to build a utopia: automation. WE NEED TO USE IT Tons of private businesses, including farms are already using automation to avoid paying employees. We can do the same. We need public programs, massive projects, where millions of robots run all the farms and water treatment plants and everything else we need to survive. ONLY THEN can work be…

I feel like this sub has strayed away from its original purpose which was to discuss ways to abolish work itself

Most posts now are just about how sucky our jobs are WHICH IS GREAT MOTIVATION, DON'T GET ME WRONG, but it's high time we put that motivation towards solving our problems

Our problems being we can't survive without working, which allows us to be taken advantage of. The solution? Make it so that working isn't necessary to produce the goods we need to survive

Right now we have the tool to build a utopia: automation. WE NEED TO USE IT

Tons of private businesses, including farms are already using automation to avoid paying employees. We can do the same. We need public programs, massive projects, where millions of robots run all the farms and water treatment plants and everything else we need to survive. ONLY THEN can work be abolished.

Large farms are already utilizing self-driving tractors and other farming equipment. Before they can buy up all the farmland and use it for themselves, then, we must enact legislation to buy or take land back for public usage. Or, if that doesn't work, we must use any means necessary. If future generations were here right now, they would be begging us.

For 1.7 trillion dollars, we could build enough desalination plants to supply everyone in America with a year's supply of freshwater every year. The majority of this water will never have to be re-desalinated again, only treated. If we capitalize on this last principle, for only 400 billion dollars, we could build enough plants to inject enough freshwater into circulation that no American would ever experience dehydration or drought in 4 years. To put that number into context, that's LESS than the combined net worth of just the TWO richest Americans combined.

Many (if not most) rural internet lines are already government subsized, because it otherwise wouldn't be profitable enough to justify installing them. Meaning that YOUR money has already been spent by internet companies to put in lines that they then call their own, and then charge YOU for using.


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